
ServiceNow’s JSON Web Service interface 1 / 3


The ServiceNow platform provides a number of integration functionalities which can be used to glue a ServiceNow instance and any 3rd party software together. One of the less known, and certainly less used, integration interfaces provided by the ServiceNow platform is the JSON Web Service interface.

The reason for the low adoption rate can probably be attributed to popularity of the SOAP over HTTP in the enterprise software industry and to the fact that the “JSON Web Service” plugin is not active by default on Out-of-the-Box ServiceNow instances.


Work and play setup

Work and play setup

If you are like me. Not only working in the IT sector but also loving IT (pun inteded), not necessarily loving all the bureaucracy involved but loving all of the testing and tinkering with new software, setting up your gear for play without compromising work can be challenging.

You would certainly like to test the new Software X, or Release Candidate Y from your favorite vendor, but it might compromise your ability to deliver promised deliverables to your customer on time. We all know customers do not like waiting don't we?