
ServiceNow SOAP interface via MuleESB proxy

In this blog post I will briefly entertain the idea of using MuleESB as a web service proxy between an unknown system and ServiceNow. Limiting the scope to scenario where System X is the party initiating the web service calls. If you need it to work the other way, just reverse the examples. You will have to setup inbound https endpoint which requires a bit more work. Like generating needed certificates and keys.


ServiceNow’s JSON Web Service interface 3 / 3

Data modification functionality

In the first instalment of this blog series I briefly covered the JSON notation, compared it to SOAP and wrote about the overview of the ServiceNow platform’s JSON Web Service Interface.

In the second post I wrote about the JSON Web Service URL composition, action parameters and the Data retrieval functionality

In this blog post I will be covering the data modification functionality of the JSON Web Service interface.


ServiceNow’s JSON Web Service interface 2 / 3

Data retrieval functionality

In the previous instalment of this blog series I briefly covered the JSON notation, compared it to SOAP and wrote about the overview of the ServiceNow platform’s JSON Web Service Interface.

In this blog post I will be covering the data retrieval functionality of the JSON Web Service interface. Namely the “get”, “getKeys” and “getRecords” actions. I will also cover the “action parameters” used to alter the behaviour of the JSON Web Service.